On Wed, Feb 24, 2010 at 11:12 PM, hLalit <hla...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Hi,
> I have an existing pdf doc. I want to iterate through existing bookamarks
> in
> the pdf doc & collapse the bookmark where there is a parent child relation.
> For e.g
> -1.0
>  - 1.1
>     - 1.1.1
>     - 1.1.2
>  - 1.2
>    - 1.2.1
>    - 1.2.2
> In the above I would like to collapse 1.1 & 1.2
> I am using ITextSharp dll with .Net.
>    ...

This question was posted (and reposted) months ago.  Even with this delay, I
think it deserves response.

I don't understand the question--that is, I find it ambiguous.  I *think*
hLalit intends a result of
but I'm unsure.

In any case, yes, iText includes bookmarking capabilities, and should be
able to handle the precise requirements, whatever they are.  I myself don't
work with iTextSharp, so there's probably little value in me speculating on
the details of an implementation.

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