Thank you.


-----Original Message-----
From: Gylfi Ingvason [] 
Sent: Friday, August 06, 2010 4:26 PM
Subject: Re: [iText-questions] Null pointer exception in PdfWriter

Here's a corrected (or at least improved) patch - this resolves the indirect
reference to the correct object and does not create an unused entry in the

protected internal virtual int GetNewObjectNumber(PdfReader reader, int
number, int generation) {

  if (currentPdfReaderInstance == null) {
    currentPdfReaderInstance = GetPdfReaderInstance(reader);
  return currentPdfReaderInstance.GetNewObjectNumber(number, generation);


-----Original Message-----
From: Gylfi Ingvason [] 
Sent: Thursday, August 05, 2010 3:59 PM
To: 'Post all your questions about iText here'
Subject: RE: [iText-questions] Null pointer exception in PdfWriter

Thanks Paulo.

I downloaded and built the SVN tip and was able to reproduce the problem.
The gist of it is that if you use PdfWriter to import a page and re-create
link annotations, and those annotations contain indirect references (such as
a Parent, i.e. "/P 8 0 R"), you get the exception. Enclosed is a PDF file
that I clobbered together with such a link, along with a few line demo
program that will crash when you copy the page out to a new file and
re-create links. It will succeed when the patch I suggested is applied.

Note that I stripped everything down to the bare bones - this code is not
useful for any particular purpose other than to demonstrate the bug. My
guess is that most folks use PdfCopy or PdfSmartCopy for operations like
this, so perhaps that's why nobody has run into this before. It is not clear
to me whether the problem is purely Annotation related - I suspect that this
could happen during other operations as well.

Upon further testing, I noticed is that the patch I suggested creates a
reference to a non-existent object, but Acrobat doesn't care as the parent
reference is redundant, but it may cause problems for other tools/parsers.
This makes me believe that there is a better way to fix the problem although
we are getting by at the moment.

Any feedback would be greatly appreciated.

Thanks - Gylfi

-----Original Message-----
From: Paulo Soares []
Sent: Wednesday, August 04, 2010 12:36 PM
To: Post all your questions about iText here
Subject: Re: [iText-questions] Null pointer exception in PdfWriter

This area was extensively changed in 5.0.3 (when it's out this weekend but
you can get it from the SVN), it would be worth to see if the problem is
already fixed.


-----Original Message-----
From: Gylfi Ingvason []
Sent: Wednesday, August 04, 2010 4:52 PM
Subject: [iText-questions] Null pointer exception in PdfWriter


I'm using an older version of iTextSharp (4.1.6 equivalent), and recently
ran into a null pointer exception in PdfWriter while splitting a PDF file.
Never seen this before despite running all kinds of data for years. The
error happens on the PdfDocument Close() call, that leads to a
RotateAnnotations call, that calls writer.AddToBody, and eventually
GetNewObjectNumber in the PdfWriter is called and that method looks like

protected internal virtual int GetNewObjectNumber(PdfReader reader, int
number, int generation) {
    return currentPdfReaderInstance.GetNewObjectNumber(number, generation);

At the time the call is made, the currentPdfReaderInstance is null causing
the exception. I looked at the code in the repository for the latest, and
this method has not changed. I patched the code to check for null as such:

protected internal virtual int GetNewObjectNumber(PdfReader reader, int
number, int generation) {

    if (currentPdfReaderInstance == null) {
        currentPdfReaderInstance = reader.GetPdfReaderInstance(this);

    return currentPdfReaderInstance.GetNewObjectNumber(number, generation);

This creates proper output. My question is, is this an acceptable patch or
should this be handled differently? Furthermore, it worries me that this has
not come up before - is it normal that the currentPdfReaderInstance is null
under these circumstances? I have not tried this under 5.0.2 but I suspect
that the same thing will happen - would it make sense to patch the latest?

Any feedback would be appreciated.

Thanks - Gylfi

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