Op 9/01/2011 15:03, Eddy schreef:
> Hi all,
> I'm working with a PdfPTable and I'm trying to set it to a certain width. I
> know about         table.setTotalWidth(width) and have worked with it fine
> when writing the table to a document using the writeSelectedRows method.
> But now I'm trying to do the same with document.add(table) and it seems like
> the setTotalWidth doesn't do anything. Any ideas why is this happening?
This is explained in the documentation, so I could answer saying please 
read section 4.1.2 of the book, but this is actually a good question for 
an FAQ, so your question has been added (and answered) on the new iText 
forum: http://support.itextpdf.com/node/13

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