On 1/07/2011 8:50, hhn000 wrote:
> Yeah, that's what I ended up doing, I just feel it should be "cleaner" 
> or "smarter" (I really like the idea of setting borders, etc all in 
> one place, table.DefaultCell - now I have it in my own method, also 
> doable)
Yes, but suppose you have a table with plenty of "normal cells" (that 
need the default behavior), and only a couple of "special cells" (that 
need to be different from the default).
How would you override the default cell for these "special cells"?
All our own applications use the default cell for quick results. We use 
PdfPCell (and its properties) whenever we need to make a difference.
Sometimes, we use the copy constructor of PdfPCell to create an empty 
cell with the same properties as the default cell:
PdfPCell cell = new PdfPCell(table.getDefaultCell());
This way, we don't have to copy all the properties of the default cell 
"manually" (that's not the correct work, but you probably know what I mean).

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