I try to read 2 pdf files with pdfreader. The pdf files contains hebrew
The encoding in one file is identity-h and in the other is ANSI.
When the encoding is identify-h the hebrew characters are displayed in the
console and printed in a txt file correctly.
When the encoding is ANSI the hebrew characters are displayed as "?" .
The Java method used

                    public static void loadPdfString(){
                                 FileWriter fileWriter = null;
                                 String INPUTFILE =
//Specifying the file location.
//                               String INPUTFILE = "c:/Sergio
/develop/conv_pdf/payslip2.PDF"; //Specifying the file location.
        try {
                         File newTextFile = new File(
                         fileWriter = new FileWriter(newTextFile);

            PdfReader reader = new PdfReader(INPUTFILE);
            int n = reader.getNumberOfPages();

            String str=PdfTextExtractor.getTextFromPage(reader, 1);
//Extracting the content from a particular page.

            //Print to console
            //Print to file
        catch (Exception e) {

Can anyone help me?
What is the best method to read hebrew characters?
Thank you.

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