You need to embed all the other files using standard embedding API calls and 
then use some VERY low level API calls to set the relevant "resources" for the 

Details are in the Adobe Extensions documentation.


From: Saravanan shri 
Reply-To: Post here 
Date: Friday, August 2, 2013 12:20 PM
To: Post here 
Subject: [iText-questions] 'HELP NEEDED' how to add swf's supported files to 
create pdf in itext (using java)

Hi all,

     I have created one swf file, in which it will run with the help of some 
external files (5 mp3 files, 2 xml files, and 6 image files). When I have 
create the pdf using itext I can only able to embedded the swf file alone. How 
should able to add these external files to run the swf.  It would be helpful if 
you give some sample.

Thanks in advance,
Shri Saravanan
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