It is a company paper with some pre-printed information on it.
How can I add the page as the background? Would you please to show me a
simple example?

Best regards,

On Mon, Sep 9, 2013 at 3:55 PM, iText Info <> wrote:

> Op 9/09/2013 4:35, Eric Chow schreef:
> > Hello,
> >
> > From the example, I can convert HTML to PDF using XMLWorker-5.4.3.
> > My question is that, I have a existed PDF template a.pdf.
> > How can I convert a html file to a.pdf?
> >
> > Would you please to teach me?
> It depends on what you mean by "existing PDF template".
> If you mean something like company stationery (like pre-printed paper
> with a company header, logo, footer,...), then it's easy: use a page
> event to add the page in the background of every page.
> If you are talking about an interactive form, you're not providing us
> sufficient information: are you talking about an AcroForm or an XFA
> form? What do the fields look like?
> If you're talking about an ordinary PDF file, then the question is
> unclear and you'll have to further explain.
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