On 26/03/2014 9:47, Ate Peeringa wrote:
> The sourcecode of iTextsharp core is different than the dll version 5.5.0
> The Function iTextSharp.text.Image.GetInstance(System.Drawing.Image,
> System.Drawing.Imaging.ImageFormat) is missing from the source code!
> Can i get a source with the function in place?

This method is in the source code.  You can see it here:

Recently we started also shipping a build without System.Drawing 
dependencies.  The default build still has System.Drawing, for backward 
compatibility.  Both builds are based on the same source code and differ 
because of conditional compilation.

When you download from Sourceforge, you get itextsharp-dll-core.zip and 
itextsharp-dll-core-wo_Drawing.zip.  Maybe you are using the wo_Drawing 


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