As Bruno has written here:

"In the old iTextAsian.jar there are directories com/lowagie/text/pdf/fonts
In the new iTextAsian.jar there are directories com/itextpdf/text/pdf/fonts
The new iTextAsian.jar won't work for the old iText, and vice versa."

Thus you need to use the com.lowagie version. You'll find the license in
the jar file: iTextAsian.jar\com\lowagie\text\pdf\fonts\cmap_info.txt

2014-04-09 9:28 GMT+02:00 Lata Choudhary <>:

> Hi,
> I am trying to understand the licencing part of iText-2.1.7,
> As I know this is free version and I want to integrate with iTextAsian.jar
> to support multiple language. Could you please suggest whether
> iTextAsian.jar is also comes under same licence like iText-2.1.7 ?
> Thanks,
> Lata Choudhary
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