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On 5/23/2014 11:03 AM, Maria Luisa Marucci wrote:
> Hi, I'm trying to save pdf generated from OpenOffice configuration in 
> which I have named object forms containing the '.'.
> For example: I have saved a ComboBox named '' in OpenOffice 
> Writer and than I have converted it in pdf.

That is not a good idea. Please consult ISO-32000-1, section 
entitled "Field Names": "Because the PERIOD is used as a separator for 
fully qualified names, a partial name shall not contain a PERIOD character."

> The file is than uploaded in my application with IText libraries. When 
> I try to download and fill out the file, the file has lost formatting 
> features of the objects.

That shouldn't be a surprise.

> If I change the name avoiding the '.' it does work correctly. Why?

Because the period has a special meaning in the context of a field name. 
It indicates a hierarchy. For instance: you have a field "person" that 
is the parent of the fields "name", "address", "birthday". The names in 
double quotes are partial names. The fully qualified names of the three 
fields are, person.address and person.birthday. As explained 
in the ISO specification for PDF, the "." is used as a separator and may 
not be used in a partial name.

> Someone can help me in findout a solution?

No, because your request doesn't make sense.

> I need to use the '.' in the naming beacuse of I need to map the 
> OOObjects with native business objects contained in my application 
> called as 'name.secondname.etc.'

Aha, that's a different question. There seems to be a hierarchy in your 
data. In that case: create a form that respects that hierarchy: create a 
field (without a corresponding widget) with partial name "name". Make 
that field the parent of a field with partial name "secondname". The 
fully qualified name will be "name.secondname".

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