Gunasekaran Velu schreef op 5/06/2014 10:53:
> Hi
> I have PDF file with 3 types of bookmark.
> 1st book mark - 100% zoom
> 2nd book mark - 200% zoom
> 3rd book mark -  300% zoom
> How can i set the inherit zoom property for this pdf file using 
> ItextSharp.

Your question didn't make sense without the code sample you provided on 
The question was answered there:
Try to be more accurate when asking questions in the future.
The question has nothing to do with some bookmark or inherit zoom that 
doesn't work.
Your question was about not being able to translate Java to C# code.
If you had asked: why can't I use the set() method in the PdfArray 
class, it would have been much easier to answer your question.
Unfortunately, you made a riddle out of your question. Don't do that in 
the future: you may risk not getting an answer.

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