Hello everyone; I'm trying to set the encoding in a PDF.
The encoding project is in UTF-8, because the database has that encoding. But when i generate the document, i add paragraphs with others characters, like Ñ, ñ, á, é, í, ó, ú, °. So, to keep the encoding, i made this function: public static String stringFormatoUTF8(String stringIN) { try { if (stringIN.length() == 0) { stringIN = " "; }byte[] arrayAux = stringIN.getBytes("ISO-8859-1");
String stringOUT = new String(arrayAux, "UTF-8"); return stringOUT; } catch(IOException error) { System.err.println(error.getMessage()); return ""; } } And i call it in this way: cell = new PdfPCell(new Paragraph( Fmt.stringFormatoUTF8("N° Operación:"), font12B )); But, for each paragraph that i add in the document, i must call the function. Is there a way to set the document encoding?, like, for example, document.setEncoding("UTF-8"); I'm using iText 5.3.3 Hope you understand me. Thank you!
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