1. Please use StackOverflow to post a question. The mailing-list is being abandoned. Response-time will be higher on SO. 2. Are you sure you posted the correct PDF? I opened the PDF in RUPS and I found the Calibri font in only a couple of clicks. See attachment: The XObject with name /Fm0 has a font with name /TT1 in its resources with the /BaseFont name /Calibri. Seems like there's something wrong with the recursiveness in your code.

On 3/28/2015 10:22 AM, pieter vankeerberghen wrote:

We try to list the fonts used in a PDF, and further to see whether they are embedded. The java source, is attached - notice it is based on the itext 2 book listing.

Unfortunately, for the PDF attached (and adobe preflight from version 9.5 show that the PDF is OK), we cannot find the calibri font and one arial bold font, which the Adobe reader document properties -> fonts show these are truetype fonts. The three subset embedded fonts are detected.

We use itext 5.5.3 and I already went through the latest version of the stack overflow Q&A. With RUPS, I failed to find the font Calibri font.

Can you point us to detect the missing fonts ?

Thank you and kind regards,

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