
Im trying to loop through the annotations of a pdf and find the name of it and 
its data

I have the following code;

Private Sub GetAnnots(PdfFile As String)

        Dim PdfReader As New PdfReader(PdfFile)
        Dim PageDictionary As PdfDictionary = Nothing
        Dim AnnotArray As PdfArray = Nothing
        Dim Annotation As PdfDictionary = Nothing
        Dim PdfString As PdfString = Nothing
        Dim AnnotationDictionary As PdfDictionary = Nothing

        For page = 1 To PdfReader.NumberOfPages
            PageDictionary = PdfReader.GetPageN(page)
            AnnotArray = PageDictionary.GetAsArray(PdfName.ANNOTS)

            If Not AnnotArray Is Nothing Then
                For Each pdfobj As PdfObject In AnnotArray.ArrayList
                    AnnotationDictionary = 
DirectCast(PdfReader.GetPdfObject(pdfobj), PdfDictionary)

'' HOW do I go further?


            End If


    End Sub

Kind regards,


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