Check que TABSIZE attribute.


On Wed, Jun 15, 2016 at 3:10 PM, Milind Gupta <>

> Thanks Antonio. It is working now. Another question is how can I set the
> tab spacing on the editor?
> Thanks,
> Milind
> On Wed, Jun 15, 2016 at 10:55 AM, Antonio Scuri <>
> wrote:
>>   Notice that when you set attributes in a constructor the order Lua sets
>> the attributes is not defined. So the problem is at the line
>> styleclearall = "Yes",
>>   Comment it and you will see that it works.
>> Best,
>> Scuri
>> On Wed, Jun 15, 2016 at 2:27 PM, Milind Gupta <>
>> wrote:
>>> Hi,
>>>       I tried the small example below but the coloring of the text is
>>> not working, only operators and working. Please can you help me figure out
>>> what am I missing. I am doing this on iup 3.18 and Lua 5.3.3
>>> require( "iuplua" )
>>> require("iuplua_scintilla")
>>> sb = iup.scintilla{
>>> lexerlanguage = "lua",
>>> keywords0 = "and break do else elseif end false for function goto if in
>>> local nil not or repeat return then true until while",
>>> stylefont32 = "Consolas",
>>> stylefontsize32 = "11",
>>> styleclearall = "Yes",
>>> stylefgcolor1 = "0 128 0", -- 1 Lua cooment
>>> stylefgcolor2 = "0 128 0", -- 2 Lua comment line
>>> stylefgcolor4 = "128 0 0", -- 4 Number
>>> stylefgcolor5 = "0 0 255", -- 5 Keyword
>>> stylefgcolor6 = "160 20 20", -- 6 String
>>> stylefgcolor7 = "128 0 0", -- 7 Character
>>> stylefgcolor9 = "0 0 255", -- 9 Preprocessor block
>>> stylefgcolor10 = "255 0 255", -- 10 Operator
>>> --stylefgcolor11 = "0 255 0", -- 11 Identifier
>>> stylebold10 = "YES",
>>> marginwidth0 = "50"
>>> }
>>> vbox = iup.vbox { iup.label {title="Label"}, sb, iup.button {
>>> title="Test" } }
>>> dlg = iup.dialog{vbox; title="Dialog"}
>>> dlg:show()
>>> if (iup.MainLoopLevel()==0) then
>>>   iup.MainLoop()
>>> end
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