> 1. Mouse moviment behavior:
> When move mouse to end control, Windows automatically, scroll items to
*> Is possible control the speed?*

  Not that I know of.

*> Is possible control the number of items, that will be scrolled?*

  What you can control is the number of visible items with the VISIBLEITEMS
attribute. But the scroll depends on the ratio of total items x visible
items, and I think that scrollbar is not configurable by the application.

2. MSDN says:
"If an application processes this message, it should return zero."
At src/win/iupwin_list.c (1557)
*WM_MOUSEMOVE: is processed, but IUP lacks to return zero, why?  *

  In the general case, yes it must return 0. But in this case we are
sharing the processing of WM_MOUSEMOVE with the internal COMBOBOX
implementation, so notice that we will leave that processing for the
control original WinProc.


Em qua., 15 de jul. de 2020 às 23:16, Ranier Vilela <ranier_...@hotmail.com>

> Hi Scuri,
> Two questions about IupList with Windows.
> 1. Mouse moviment behavior:
> When move mouse to end control, Windows automatically, scroll items to
> down.
> Is possible control the speed?
> Is possible control the number of items, that will be scrolled?
> 2. MSDN says:
> https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/inputdev/wm-mousemove
> "If an application processes this message, it should return zero."
> At src/win/iupwin_list.c (1557)
> WM_MOUSEMOVE: is processed, but IUP lacks to return zero, why?
> regards,
> Ranier Vilela
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