> Sometimes events happen in C++-Land that require an update of a GUI
> element. I figured that the most sensible way of doing this is to call
> IupPostMessage from C++ territory, in whatever thread context this
> happens to be, and thus cause a Lua callback to be called in the context
> of the GUI main loop the next time it comes around.

Yes, this is the quintessential example case of why IupPostMessage
exists. My personal most frequent use cases for this have been:
- Downloading data over the network on a background thread and then
needing to update the UI when finished.
- Audio playback event callbacks on background threads (and needing to
update UI)
- Computation that takes a long time and I don't want to block the
main UI thread, so I thread it but need to update the GUI state when
it is finished.

I don't know Sol2, but breaking down your situation into the most
basic building blocks, I would just look at this as a classic C/C++
callback pattern. Since C is mostly valid C++, let's just simplify
this further.
Warning: This is typed in email and untested, so there may be bugs:

struct MyAppData
        lua_State* luaState;
        Ihandle* someWidget;
        char* callbackString;

// This is some hypothetical function that gets invoked when something
// It is expected to happen on a background thread.
// Presumably, this function will pass you back some information
associated with this event.
// For simplicity, I pretend char* some_string is that data.
// In classic callback function patterns, you also get passed a handle
to some data which you setup earlier, so you can access your
application state without globals.
void SomeCppFunctionOnABackgroundThread(char* some_string, void* user_data)
        struct MyAppData* app_data = (struct MyAppData*)user_data;
        app_data->callbackString = some_string; // Just for show. Maybe we
need to make a deep copy depending on how your APIs work.
        IupPostMessage(app_data->someWidget, NULL, 0, 0.0, app_data);

// This is the main thread callback for IupPostMessage
void MyCppIupPostMessageMainThreadCallback(Ihandle* ih, char* s, int
i, double d, void* p)
        struct MyAppData* app_data = (struct MyAppData*)p;      
        // Invoke Lua to do something.

        lua_getglobal(app_data->luaState, "MyLuaIupPostMessageCallback");
        lua_pushstring(lua_state, app_data->callbackString);
        // You could push other arguments to Lua here too, but for this
example, I will just push the string data.
        /* do the call (1 arguments, 0 results) */
        if(lua_pcall(lua_state, 0, 5, 0) != 0)
                printf("Error running function: %s", lua_tostring(lua_state, 
                lua_pop(L, 1);

In Lua somewhere, you could have a global function called

function MyLuaIupPostMessageCallback(string_data)
        print("string_data", string_data)
        -- Maybe you have global data to access your Iup widgets.
        -- Or maybe you can use IupGetHandle to get the handles by string name.



Finally, considering how to integrate Sol2, I would envision that you
have some state for Sol2 that you put into your user_data pointer.
So instead of manually invoking a Lua callback in
MyCppIupPostMessageMainThreadCallback, pull out your Sol2 data
structures from the user_data pointer, and then use Sol2 to invoke the
Lua callback.


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