Em seg 17 fev 2014, às 04:15:26, hello tizen escreveu:
> -2.You seemed to have mis-understood what I asked. Again, let me try again,
> I‘m looking for a solution to rebuild all released package from Its
> released git head and tag(no download.tizen.org). Is Gbs capable of doing
> that? If not, why do you waste your time in pointing people to somthing
> that won‘t work for sure? Dose it make any sense? I‘d like to hear back
> genuine suggestions in helping people move forward rather than backward.TIA


We seem to be having difficulty understanding you. You're asking for building 
from the Git HEAD, which implies you want the current state of Tizen 3.0. 
However, your email subject says "Tizen 2.2". Considering that there is no IVI 
in Tizen 2.2 and this is the IVI mailing list, I'm going to assume that was a 
misunderstanding in writing the subject.

So, you're asking the question of how to build the unreleased Tizen IVI 3.0. 
As such, please understand that it might *not* build, since we're still fixing 
bugs and build issues.

GBS should be able to do it. If you run into problems, please let us know by 
posting the build logs.

Thiago Macieira - thiago.macieira (AT) intel.com
  Software Architect - Intel Open Source Technology Center

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