Hi Ossama,
Much appreciate for your sync with Nexcom.
@Mikko, do we need to update our devices’ bios to latest version MV11A109, or 
just updated parts of devices to MV11A094(it works well in QA’s devices so 
far), and is there any document or wiki about BIOS  update?

From: Othman, Ossama [mailto:ossama.oth...@intel.com]
Sent: Tuesday, August 05, 2014 7:17 AM
To: Zhang, Xiaolei
Cc: Ylinen, Mikko; ivi@lists.tizen.org
Subject: Re: VTC1010 BIOS upgrade

Hi Xiaolei,

Nexcom support got back to me with the download URL containing the latest BIOS 
image and update utility:  ftp://ftp.nexcom.com/pub/BIOS/VTC1010/

I've updated the Tizen IVI 
Platforms<https://wiki.tizen.org/wiki/IVI/IVI_Platforms> Wiki, accordingly.  
Note that the 32 bit BIOS MV11A109 posted to the Nexcom FTP 
site<ftp://ftp.nexcom.com/pub/BIOS/VTC1010/x86_32bit/> is more recent than 
MV11A094.  I don't yet know how well it will work with Tizen IVI either.


On Mon, Aug 4, 2014 at 10:35 AM, Othman, Ossama 
<ossama.oth...@intel.com<mailto:ossama.oth...@intel.com>> wrote:
Hi Xiaolei,

On Tue, Jul 29, 2014 at 8:37 PM, Zhang, Xiaolei 
<xiaolei.zh...@intel.com<mailto:xiaolei.zh...@intel.com>> wrote:
QA found 2 issues related to BIOS of VTC1010. So far, there are 2 editions of 
VTC1010 BIOS in QA’s machines: MV11A094 and MV11A092, and below issues just 
could be reproduced on MV11A092.
TC-1361<https://bugs.tizen.org/jira/browse/TC-1361> Touch doesn't work 
sometimes after system reboot
TC-268<https://bugs.tizen.org/jira/browse/TC-268> [VTC1010]Unable to disable 
VGA output through weston configuration
Here are 2 questions from QA:

1.       Which BIOS version is official supported so far, MV11A094 or MV11A092?

2.       If MV11A094 is official supported so far, is there any document or 
wiki to help BIOS upgrade?
I couldn't find a BIOS download link or installation instructions for the 
 on the product web site so I sent an e-mail to their support team.  Once I get 
a response I'll forward the necessary information.


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