
Tizen IVI 3.0 Daily release 20141014.7 has been released.

Build info

  Tizen Vertical: Tizen 3.0 IVI
  Release Type: Daily Release
  OBS Project: Tizen:IVI
  Build Date: 2014-10-14
  Build ID: tizen-ivi_20141014.7


  Build Data: 
  Flashing Instructions: https://wiki.tizen.org/wiki/IVI/IVI_Installation

Build Status

  Failed Packages: None
  Unresolvable Packages: None
  Failed image builds: None


  Tizen IVI no longer builds any X components and it adds Crosswalk WRT instead 
of legacy Tizen WRT
  The basic principle is Tizen:IVI content equals Tizen:Common + selected 
profile/ivi/* components.

Accepted submissions

  submit/tizen_ivi/20141013.175145: tizen-extensions-crosswalk,crosswalk
  submit/tizen_ivi/20141013.124507: meta-ivi
  submit/tizen_ivi/20141014.000000: qtdeclarative,pulseaudio,weston,slp-pkgmgr

Pending submissions

  submit/tizen/20141006.103610: u-boot
  submit/tizen/20141008.044841: emulator-kernel
  submit/tizen/20141008.053857: bluetooth-frwk
  submit/tizen/20141008.072722: mesa
  submit/tizen/20141010.004017: sgml-common
  submit/tizen/20141013.073414: bluetooth-frwk
  submit/tizen/20141013.102225: libgsignon-glib
  submit/tizen/20141013.104150: bluetooth-frwk
  submit/tizen/20141013.132110: dialog
  submit/tizen/20141013.155855: automotive-message-broker
  submit/tizen/20141013.162359: libcap
  submit/tizen/20141014.081817: linux-3.10

Test Results

  Check if alarm-server is started:                        PASS
  Check if ambd is started:                                PASS
  Check if bluetoothd is started:                          PASS
  Check if connmand is started:                            PASS
  Check if dbus is started:                                PASS
  Check if media-server is started:                        PASS
  Check if messageportd is started:                        PASS
  Check if murphyd is started:                             PASS
  Check if notifications is started:                       PASS
  Check if ofonod is started:                              PASS
  Check if polkit is started:                              PASS
  Check if security-server is started:                     PASS
  Check if weston is started:                              PASS
  Check if wpa_supplicant is started:                      PASS
  Check if zypper could install make package:              PASS
  Check if simple page could be rendered by xwalk:         PASS
  Check if weston desktop is shown:                        PASS
  Check if Dialer could be launched from Wayland Terminal: PASS
  Check if Audio-OGG can be played:                        PASS
  Check if Video-OGV can be played:                        PASS
  Check if Modello UI could be installed and started:      PASS


  Daily release Notes: https://wiki.tizen.org/wiki/IVI/Releases#Daily_Releases
  Release Types explained: https://wiki.tizen.org/wiki/IVI/IVI_Downloads
  Delta between Tizen Common and Tizen IVI: https://wiki.tizen.org/wiki/Delta
  Contributing: https://wiki.tizen.org/wiki/How_to_contribute_to_Tizen_IVI
  Submitting Patches: 
  Submitting group of Patches: 
  GBS: https://source.tizen.org/documentation/reference/git-build-system/
  Daily Releases: https://download.tizen.org/releases/daily/tizen/ivi/
  Milestone Releases: https://download.tizen.org/releases/milestone/tizen/ivi/

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