
ail_initdb is a tool from application framework that create the global
application database, parse desktop file and synchronize the global
application database app_info.db with information from desktop files. It
used in .ks file for the creation of application database and in spec file
for the synchronisation.
ail_initdb_user is the same tool for user application database.

There are some needs to split up the creation of the app_info.db and the
parse of desktop files.

Following suggestion of changes :
the binary *ail_initdb* will be replace by :
  --> *ail_createdb* for the creation of app_info.db with empty tables.
  -->* ail_syncdb* for the parse of desktop files and synchronization
  --> ail_initb found in spec file for preinstalled packages should be
replace by ail_syncdb.
  --> The first call of ail_initdb in meta-generic package will be replace
by ail_createdb

ail_initdb_user will be split in ail_createdb_user and ail_syncdb_user

Changes are in reviews, please let me know if there are suggestions :

If needed the following script enables the compatibility (please put it in
/usr/bin and name it ail_init):
echo "obsolete tools please use ail_syncdb to parse .desktop files and
register them into the app_info.db database"


By the same way* pkg_initdb(_user)* that create the global/user package
database, parse manifest and synchronize the package database with
information from manifest will be split up in *pkg_createdb(_user)* and
All pkg_initdb from spec file should be replace by pkg_syncdb and the first
call of
pkg_initdb in meta-generic will be substitute by pkg_syncdb

SAbera Djelti
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