On Mon, Jan 26, 2015 at 5:39 PM, 王 <ww20084600...@163.com> wrote:
> I am using gio and DBUS implementation to create a daemon process. I'm using
> g_bus_own_name() to acquire the name, and my error case respond the the
> busAcquiredCb then nameLostCb scenario.  Here is my code.
> mNameRequestId = g_bus_own_name(G_BUS_TYPE_SYSTEM, //bus type
> "org.tizen.setting", //bus name
> busAcquiredCb, //bus acquired callback
> nameAcquiredCb,//name acquired callback
> nameLostCb,//name lost callback
> NULL);
> I'm sure "orr.tizen.setting" is the unique name.
> I have tried the method in method.This is setting.conf in
> /etc/dbus-1/systemd/
> <!DOCTYPE busconfig PUBLIC
>  "-//freedesktop//DTD D-BUS Bus Configuration 1.0//EN"
>  "http://www.freedesktop.org/standards/dbus/1.0/busconfig.dtd";>
> <busconfig>
>         <policy user="root">
>                 <allow own="org.tizen.setting"/>
>                 <allow send_destination="org.tizen.setting"/>
>         </policy>

This makes it so only user "root" can own.  Are you running your code
as "root"?  This is also not very safe security-wise.

>         <policy at_console="true">
>                 <deny own="org.tizen.setting"/>
>                 <allow send_destination="org.tizen.setting"/>
>         </policy>
>         <policy context="default">

I would allow own="*" here and add user="foo" to this as well.

>                 <deny own="org.tizen.setting"/>
>                 <allow send_destination="org.tizen.setting"/>
>         </policy>
> </busconfig>
> how can I get more information about the error?

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