Google News puts experiments on front page - and stops adding AP stories

Google gives its visual news experiments greater prominence, while quietly 
ceasing to update its AP content

Google integrated two of its news experiments, Fast 
Flip<> and Living 
Stories<>, into the US homepage of Google 
News today.

Living Stories, a project developed with the New York Times and the Washington 
 is on the upper right next to Top Stories, while Fast Flip (picture above) is 
right down at the bottom of the page. Both experiments should now see their 
audiences widen considerably.

"Encouraged by the positive feedback we've received from users and partners, we 
decided to expose the service to more potential readers by integrating it with 
the US English version of Google News," software engineers Jack Hebert, Matthew 
Watson and Corrie Scalisi wrote about Fast Flip on the Google news 

Fast Flip is Google's visual approach<> to news 
aggregation and was introduced in September. It features about 50 newspapers, 
magazines, web outlets, newswires and TV and radio broadcasters from the US and 
the UK<>.

"Fast Flip is still in Google Labs, so we'll continue to experiment with the 
format. But so far we've found that the speed and visual nature of the service 
encourages readers to look at many articles and, for the ones that catch their 
interest, click through to the story publishers' websites."

Meanwhile, it has become 
apparent<> that new 
Associated Press<> stories are 
no longer appearing on the site, which has hosted them since 2007. Google 
hasn't added new AP content since December 

Asked for the reason, Google was somewhat evasive: "We have a licensing 
agreement with the Associated Press that permits us to host its content on 
Google properties such as Google News. Some of that content is still available 
today. At the moment we're not adding new hosted content from the AP."

Google hosted material produced by the AP along with other news 
agencies<> directly on Google News 
for 30 days from August 2007, but the agreement is set to expire at the end of 

As AP and Google are in the process of renegotiating their licensing agreement, 
 this might be not be a good sign on the progress of the talks.

The search engine has ongoing licensing agreements with the Canadian Press, 
Agence France Presse and the UK's Press Association, as well as with several 
members of the European Pressphoto Agency.

Posted by Mercedes Bunz<> Monday 
11 January 2010 14.09 GMT<>

José Antonio López
GLOBOMEDIA Dpto. Comunicación-Documentación<>

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