More European newspapers put up paywalls

Germany's Berliner Morgenpost and Hamburger Abendblatt follow France's Le 
Figaro in charging for content

More European newspapers<> are 
joining the paid content club: Axel Springer has put up online 
paywalls<> for two of its German 
newspapers, the Berliner Morgenpost and the Hamburger Abendblatt. This follows 
reports of French paper Le Figaro readying a paywall this 
 and ahead of a planned paywall from Times Online, expected this 

Access to all content on now costs €4.95 (£4.32/$6.79) a month. A 
premium subscription to costs €7.95 (£6.93/$10.90) a month. has a mixture of free and premium content: it appears it charges 
extra for content specific to the Hamburg region, while making national news 
free. Subscriptions for both are renewed on a monthly basis. 
(Release<> via Ulitzer.)

Axel Springer has already seen some success in paid-content models for its 
papers. In December 2009, it launched paid-for iPhone 
 for two of its other German newspapers, the tabloid Bild and Die Welt. 
Clickandbuy, which provides the charging mechanism for these apps as well as 
the new online paywalls, says that Bild is now ranked first and Die Welt ninth 
in Germany's app store.

It will be worth watching whether – and how – this move will link up with 
another of Springer's plans, for third-party micropayments.

In December, Springer's head of public affairs, Christoph Keese, said that 
Springer wanted to work with Google and other search engines to develop a 
direct payment 
 to charge people for individual articles when they clicked on Google's search 
results. No news yet on whether that idea will fly.
José Antonio López
GLOBOMEDIA Dpto. Comunicación-Documentación<>

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