Estimados compañeros:
En nombre del Grupo de Trabajo de Cooperación para el Desarrollo y Bibliotecas 
de FESABID, tengo el gusto de remitiros el mensaje que aparece copiado tras mi 
firma, donde se da cuenta de una buena noticia para las bibliotecas de Haití, y 
se nos invita a colaborar. Desde aquí mi más sincera enhorabuena al Escudo Azul.


Mª Araceli García Martín
Jefe de Servicio Biblioteca Hispánica
Agencia Española de Cooperación Internacional para el Desarrollo (AECID)
Ministerio de Asuntos Exteriores y de Cooperación
Avda. de los Reyes Católicos, nº 4
28040 Madrid
Tel. (+34) 91 583 85 12.<><>


Dear Colleagues,

We have the pleasure to announce you that yesterday, June 23rd, 2010, in 
Port-au-Prince Ellen R. Tise, IFLA President was invited by the Haitian 
Ministry of Culture at the signature of the agreement  for the project "Arc", 
the rescue center of documents damaged by the earthquake of January 12th, 2010.
The Ministry of Culture of Haiti, the international blue Shield and the Haitian 
committee of the blue Shield are signatory of this agreement.
This agreement consists in the creation of a center of saving and treatment of 
books and archives to preserve the Haitian heritage for the future generations.
This processing center is set up for two years. It will welcome Haitian and 
foreign volunteers for the restoration of the works. The president of the IFLA 
expressed the strong will of the institution to support the Haitian libraries 
further to the important damage that they underwent.
Ellen Tise reminded that the IFLA wishes to strengthen the local capacities for 
the conservation of the heritage to insure the durability of the project.

The signature of this agreement is going to allow us of in the concrete phase 
of construction of the center.
If you wish to participate as volunteer in the functioning of this processing 
center of documents in Haiti or to contribute to its construction, do not 
hesitate to join us

More information about this event:

Best regards

Danielle Mincio
Member of IFLA Governing Board 2007-2009, 2009-2011
Secretary of the IFLA Preservation and Conservation Section
Conservateur des manuscrits
Responsable PAC
Présidente du COSADOCA
Bibliothèque cantonale et universitaire
CH 1015 Lausanne Dorigny
Tél +41 21 692 47 83

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