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---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: <rtd-scientific-publicat...@ec.europa.eu>
Date: 2010/7/20
Subject: Publication of Science and Society Work Programme 2011: new topics
related to open access
To: rtd-scientific-publicat...@ec.europa.eu
Cc: rtd-scientific-publicat...@ec.europa.eu

Dear list members,

This message is to inform you that the 2011 Science in Society Work
Programme was published today:
It contains two topics relating to open access / access to scientific
information (see pages 15-17):
* SiS.2011.1.3.1-1 Reinforcing European strategies on access, dissemination
and preservation of scientific information in the digital age
* SiS.2011.1.3.1-2 Study to develop a set of indicators to measure open

The texts of these topics are reproduced below.

Please note that the specifications for the "Study to develop a set of
indicators to measure open access" will be published in 2010.

Kind regards,

European Commission, Research Directorate-General

SiS.2011.1.3.1-1 Reinforcing European strategies on access, dissemination
and preservation of scientific information in the digital age

Description of topic:
Prompted by the Commission Communication on scientific information in the
digital age: access, dissemination and preservation16, Member States made a
strong commitment to take concrete steps towards improving access to and
dissemination of scientific information. The Council invited in particular
Member States to "reinforce national strategies and structures for access to
and preservation and dissemination of scientific information, tackling
organisational, legal, technical and financial issues [and] enhance the
co-ordination between Member States, large research institutions and funding
bodies on access, preservation and dissemination policies and practices"17.
A Digital Agenda for Europe18, the strategy for a flourishing digital
economy by 2020, also addresses the issue of dissemination of publicly
funded research through Open Access publication of scientific data and

In 2009, the European Commission noted that many valuable activities to
promote "Open Access" were underway in the Member States, but that there was
a “need to capitalise on these existing activities in order to move towards
convincing and robust national and European strategies on access,
dissemination and preservation in the digital age”19. This topic supports
actions aimed at co-ordinating research activities and policies to reinforce
the existing national strategies and structures, and contribute to the
development of new ones. New initiatives can be built on a thematic and/or
geographical basis. Actions may include the organisation of events, exchange
and dissemination of good practices, or the definition, organisation and
management of joint or common initiatives and/or policy activities (without
funding research as such). Target groups are the full range of institutions
and organisations in EU Member States and Associated Countries that address
and/or co-ordinate policies and activities relating to access to scientific
information, e.g. ministries, funding bodies, universities, libraries,
associations, CSOs etc.

Note: Limits on the EU financial contribution apply. These are implemented
strictly as formal eligibility criteria. Please also refer to the call fiche
for details of these limits.

Funding scheme: Coordination and Support Actions (supporting action). It is
envisaged that two proposals will be financed

Additional eligibility criterion: Maximum requested EU contribution: EUR 750

Expected impact: to sustain/improve the co-ordination of existing Member
State and Associated Country initiatives on access to and dissemination of
scientific information; to extend current activities to other countries
(both EU/Associated Countries and internationally) and/or thematic areas; to
put in place new/innovative co-ordination initiatives; to create new
initiatives (e.g. regional, linguistic or thematic) improving the
co-ordination of existing strategies on digital repositories.

SiS.2011.1.3.1-2 Study to develop a set of indicators to measure open access

With the approval of the ERA Vision 2020 in late 2008, the Council of
Ministers has set a framework with long-term objectives for the realisation
of the European Research Area (ERA). Progress towards these objectives will
be monitored through regular and evidence-based monitoring via indicators.
Within the broader objective of improved knowledge circulation and in the
context of recent Commission initiatives on access to scientific
information20, one of the indicators will measure open access (free of
charge online availability of research outputs). A study will be launched to
define a set of indicators and a methodology to measure and analyse the
development of open access, for example in terms of the proportion of
research literature available in open access form. This set of indicators
will provide data for the ERA and individual ERA countries, and may also
reach beyond.

Funding scheme: Coordination and Support Actions (supporting action) –
public procurement21 (Open procedure, 1st semester 2011)

Indicative budget for EU contribution: up to EUR 300 000

Expected impact: The study will define indicators and a methodology ensuring
a yearly and sustainable monitoring of open access practices from 2000
onwards. Moreover, it will collect and analyse data that can trace the
dynamics of open access in the ERA.

16 Communication from the Commission to the European Parliament, the Council
and the European Economic and Social Committee of 14 February 2007,
17 Council Conclusions, 2832nd Competitiveness, November 2007
18 A digital Agenda for Europe, Communication from the Commission to the
European Parliament, the Council, the European Economic and Social Committee
and the Committee of the Regions, 19 May 2010 COM (2010)245 final.
http://ec.europa.eu/information_society/digital-agenda/index_en.htm <
19 Questionnaire to CREST – Summary of responses, 9 June 2009
20 See http://cordis.europa.eu/fp7/find-doc_en.html,
21 In accordance with Art 14(b) of Regulation (EC) No 1906/2006 of 18
December 2006 laying down the rules for the participation of undertakings,
research centres and universities in actions under the Seventh Framework
Programme and for the dissemination of research results (2007-2013).

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