Would you be so kind as to provide me a rough estimate of the man hours
that expended in developing the XML Parser.
I am interested in an estimate for the entire end product, start to
finish, not for some particular version such as XML4J which was probably
built on existing software.
My guess is that a lot of work was done open source so it may be
impossible to say with any accuracy closer than +/- 300%. Still,
whatever estimate you would guess would be helpful. We are considering
writing our own XML parser, and it woud be helpful to know what your
experience has been.
We have another question, please. We have noted that saving an XML file
as an Excel file gets you an Excel file that seems to have been parsed
in some manner.
While I'm sure you agree with us that Excel is a excellent product, I
wonder if you would be willing to comment on the differences between
what XML4J would provide 
and what Excel provides for some particular XML file.
My request is not concerned with me personally, or my personal software.
My employer is the Internal Revenue Service and my inquiry concerns
software we are developing here in house for IRS use.        
Thank you in advance for your response, and please comment in lenghty
detail if you wish to do so. It would be helpful. 

Lyndell  Harrell 
Custodial  Accounting 
202-283-5147,  A6-433 

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