If i remember correctly you needed to normalize DOM before default
attributes are inserted by parser. Not sure what is the equivalent for a


On Mon, 2007-08-27 at 13:11 +0200, Florian Wendland wrote:
> Hello all,
> I have tried to validate a simple xml document with a simple schema, 
> too. If have only 1 Element with one attribute, which i have defines as 
> optional, but with an default content.
> I had exepected, that xerces would add the default attribute into the 
> psvi (n my case a streamresult-object), but the result is a xml document 
> without the default attribute.
> Here is my Java-Code:
> ##################################################################
> final Result res = new StreamResult(new FileWriter(new 
> File("d:\\output.xml")));
> final Source source = new StreamSource(new FileReader(new 
> File(input.toURI())));
> SchemaFactory sf = SchemaFactory.newInstance(NAMESPACE);
> Schema f = sf.newSchema(schema);
> Validator val =    f.newValidator();
> val.validate(source, res);
> ##################################################################
> Did i miss something?
> Thx
> mfw
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