Hi Chad,

Chad La Joie <laj...@itumi.biz> wrote on 06/02/2010 01:59:11 PM:

> Thanks Michael,
> Somewhat related to this, I note that the feature 'defer-node-expansion'
> can not be set to false when the default document factory is used[1].

That's the Xerces-J 1.x documentation. The behaviour of the feature in
Xerces-J 2.x is documented here [2]. It's default is true but you can set
its value to false if you want to.

> I understand why a person might want to defer node expansion but in all
> my cases, I have to traverse every node.  I am wondering, does having a
> deferred node decrease performance, especially over larger documents,
> when you're going to be hitting every node?

If you traverse every node then I would expect it to cost more than if they
were constructed eagerly by the parser. More details on the performance
implications of this feature are in an article [3] I co-wrote some time

> If so, might it be possible to allow adjusting the defer-node-expansion
> feature even when the default factory is used?

Try setting the feature to false on the DocumentBuilder.

> [1] http://xerces.apache.org/xerces-j/features.html#defer-node-expansion


[3] http://www.ibm.com/developerworks/library/x-perfap2.html/#N100CB

Michael Glavassevich
XML Parser Development
IBM Toronto Lab
E-mail: mrgla...@ca.ibm.com
E-mail: mrgla...@apache.org

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