Dnia 18-10-2007, Cz o godzinie 18:30 -0400, Ryan Pugatch pisze:
> Thanks for the response.  I did that and it didn't solve the
> problem.  
> I'm sure it's something simple that is making this fail, but I just 
> don't know what it is.

> C2S : sx (sasl_gsasl.c:342) gsasl_step failed, no sasl for this conn;
> (31): Error authenticating user

Now it's definitely LDAP authentication error.
Please make sure that your connection data, login and password are
correct using 'ldapsearch' tool launched from the same machine as the
C2S process.

ldapsearch -P 3 -h ldap.example.com -p 389 -b "o=Example Corp." \
 -x "(uid=rpugatch)" dn
ldapsearch -P 3 -s one -h ldap.example.com -p 389 -b "o=Example Corp." \
 -x -D "your dn from previous query" -w password

  /\_./o__ Tomasz Sterna
 (/^/(_^^'  Xiaoka.com

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