On Oct 20, 2007 at 4:20 AM, ?? wrote:
> Dear Sir
> To test the S2S connection function, I installed two jabberd2 servers in
> LAN, that are Server1 and Server2.
> Because lack of DNS, I modfied the /ets/hosts in each of Linux as follows:
> ======================
>      server1
>      server2.
> ======================
> The first client, its jid [EMAIL PROTECTED] , logon the server1, while the
> second one [EMAIL PROTECTED] logon the server2.
> Then the first client invited the second, but nothing happened.
> In the server1's log write:" server2 can't be resolved".
> I don't think the method have any problem, Why can't the two server
> communication? Is it nessary to have a DNS server?

jabberd2 currently does not use the /etc/hosts file for resolving domain 
names--it ONLY uses DNS.  There are some notes about this 
http://jabberd2.xiaoka.com/ticket/63 and http://jabberd2.xiaoka.com/wiki/OldTODO

So right now, yes, it is necessary to have a DNS server.

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