I just thought I'd throw this idea out there... has anyone ever
thought of changing jabberd to use libevent or GLib?

libevent is an event notification library that abstracts the APIs for
poll, select, epoll, kqueue and maybe a few other things.  I guess we
would really only gain support for kqueue (the fast event polling
mechanism used on FreeBSD (and other BSDs?)), since jabberd already
has implementations for poll, select and epoll.  And I guess we would
lose support for wasync?  It's probably not worth the effort, but if
libevent existed when jabberd was first written it seems like someone
could have saved themselves a good bit of time.  And I'm always in
favor of re-using shared libraries.  I haven't used libevent, but it
seems nice.  You can find more information at
http://monkey.org/~provos/libevent/  There's also libev, which does
basically the same thing but is purportedly a tad bit faster.

GLib is a C library with lots of random and useful functions.  It
provides lots of handy string manipulation functions, a generic linked
list structure, a queue, a hash table that grows and shrinks
automatically, base64 encoding/decoding (recently), etc.  Again, we
probably wouldn't gain a whole lot from it immediately, since jabberd
has already been written with it's own implementations of a lot of
this stuff, but I'm always in favor of re-using shared libraries.
I've used GLib a lot and I love it.  It's fantastic.  You can see the
documentation at http://library.gnome.org/devel/glib/stable/

Anyway, probably not something we want to dive into now.  I mostly
just wanted to make people aware of the existence of the two


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