On 24 Apr 2009, at 16:42, Christopher Zorn wrote:
Checkout the following projects;


You can use them to build what you want. Punjab provides a BOSH connection manager to any jabber server and strophe is a BOSH javascript library for building the applications.

I think Speeqe is a bit overkill for what I want: I don't really want multi-user chat, just 1-1 chat between me and the user, and for me to be instantly alerted when they wish to speak to me while I'm using a standard Jabber client. It's actually not very far off the 'echobot' example that comes with Strophe

I realise now that this perhaps not the right list (maybe I should post in the Strophe list), but I was hoping for some advice as to what the setup should be on the jabberd2 side of things, and how should the web-users JID be chosen. Each uniquely? The same JID, but each the same with a different resource? What about anonymous logins: how do they get assigned a JID?

As in my first post, I think I can easily have the users all share a JID, say webu...@mydomain, with a different resource, and have a fixed password in js that logs them in. If no-one in the world was malicious, this would work exactly how I want, and be very easy to set up.

So I guess my question is that is there a way for me to fix, in the jabberd2 config, that webu...@mydomain.com can't change their password, or their authorization lists, so they can't go and use this as a regular jabber account, and all they can do is send/receive messages to/from my personal jabber account?

Or am I going about this all the wrong way...?


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