On 3/14/12 9:26 AM, Michael Humphries-Dolnick wrote:
> Peter, thanks for the quick reply.
>> If you want to do something like whitelist connections to port 5269 (or
>> whatever you decide to use for s2s), you might need to do that at the 
>> firewall
>> level, not the application level.
> Yes, I thought of that, but IIRC after a connection is initiated, the daemon 
> does a dialback validation; the initial connection would be OK with the 
> RELATED,ESTABLISHED but then I think dialback validation would get blocked 
> (although I haven't tested this).  Does this follow what you know of how s2s 
> behaves?

That is a sensible approach to implementation (I am not a jabberd2
developer so I can't say for sure). But it's not clear to me how that
implemenation detail aligns with your initial request.


Peter Saint-Andre

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