On Tue, 31 May 2016 09:52:38 +0200
Tomasz Sterna <to...@xiaoka.com> wrote:

> W dniu 31.05.2016, wto o godzinie 00∶39 -0700, użytkownik
> li...@lazygranch.com napisał:
> > ./configure --with-extra-library-path /usr/local/lib --with-extra-
> > include-path /usr/local/include
> > yielded
> > 
> > checking build system type... /usr/local/lib
> > configure: error: invalid value of canonical build
> Double-dash options format is:
> --long-option=value
> So, you need:
> ./configure --with-extra-library-path=/usr/local/lib
> --with-extra-include-path=/usr/local/include

That works. It isn't finding the config files which I assume I can fix
on the command line. The point is the new binary is running. Thanks for
your help.

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