I have posted a new TOPIC that expands on this, shall close this topic -- 
as it received NO VIEWS.

and continue to hope someone may have a brief moment to explain something 
relatively simple ONCE KNOWN, how to code a STANDARD Object Mapping from 
POJO (with managed bean remote MySQL data connectivity- referenced) to JSON 

On Wednesday, December 14, 2016 at 4:48:33 PM UTC-8, Literate Aspects wrote:
> Hello, has anyone had experience with
> http://wiki.fasterxml.com/JacksonDataBinding
> Can Jackson or another product that you produce, help me with using a bean 
> to data bind as JSON?
> JSF managed bean accessing MySQL remote database - how to create JSON 
> array to feed
> http://stackoverflow.com/questions/41142802/jsf-managed-bean-accessing-mysql-remote-database-how-to-create-json-array-to-f
> Any suggestions greatly appreciated.
> Jon

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