If I have to serialize an object that I can not annotate and that contains 
parent-child relationship, such as a *DefaultMutableTreeNode*, I can avoid 
the infinite recursion/stack overflow problem by supplying an 
*from the *findObjectIdInfo*() method in a subclass of the 
*JacksonAnnotationIntrospector. *The ID value is in the resulting JSON 

There's an example 

(In addition, with the *DefaultMutableTreeNode *class I have to supply a 
custom *BeanPropertyWriter *to handle exceptions thrown when serializing 
objects like this. 

I have 3 constraints I'm trying to satisfy:

1. I can not annotate objects in various dependent libraries.
2. I can not enumerate ahead-of-time all of the possible objects that have 
parent-child relationships
3. I do not want the virtual ID value from an ObjectIdGenerator in the 
serialized JSON object, although I still need a way to keep track of them.

To satisfy 1 and 2 I was thinking of using an ObjectIdGenerator for all 
objects, regardless of whether they contain parent-child relationships or 
whether I had access to the source files. This would simplify development, 
but are there performance penalties for doing this?

I'm not sure how to proceed with #3. What objects do I need to sub-class in 
order to get this to work? It looks like the actual output is done by the 
*object, which is returned from the 
*DefaultSerializerProvider.findObjectId()* method. But the *WritableObjectId 
*is declared final so I can't override its *writeAsField()* method. Is 
there another way to do this?

Thanks for your help.


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