I am using jackson-databind 2.9.6:


And it looks like I found a bug. When object mapper is told to not include 
nulls, it still includes if you read JSON to tree, then write to string 
from this tree.
I wrote small example using groovy and spock:

package jackson

import com.fasterxml.jackson.annotation.JsonInclude
import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.ObjectMapper
import spock.lang.Specification

class ObjectMapperTest extends Specification {
    def "should not include nulls"() {
        def json = '''
                    "a": {},
                    "b": [],
                    "c": "",
                    "d": 0,
                    "e": null

        def obj = [
                "a": [:],
                "b": [],
                "c": "",
                "d": 0,
                "e": null

        def jsonMapper = new ObjectMapper()
        def tree = jsonMapper.readTree(json)

        def a1 = jsonMapper.writeValueAsString(tree)
        def a2 = jsonMapper.writeValueAsString(obj)

        a1 == a2

Because the same mapper is used, both a1 and a2 should not include key "e" 
(its value is null).

But the actual output is the following:
Condition not satisfied:

a1 == a2
|  |  |
|  |  {"a":{},"b":[],"c":"","d":0}
|  false
|  9 differences (75% similarity)
|  {"a":{},"b":[],"c":"","d":0(,"e":null)}
|  {"a":{},"b":[],"c":"","d":0(---------)}

Expected :{"a":{},"b":[],"c":"","d":0}

Actual   :{"a":{},"b":[],"c":"","d":0,"e":null}

Is that a bug?

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