
I was trying to find a solution to let jackson to serialize without an 
extra super type element.

I have a class that has an instance of a super type

    SuperType superType;
    // other object definitions

I also define a list of sub types extending the SuperType like;

@JsonTypeInfo( use  = JsonTypeInfo.Id.NAME, include = 
    @JsonSubTypes.Type( name = "file", value = FileType.class ), 
    @JsonSubTypes.Type( name = "audio", value = AudioType.class )

public class SuperType

Now, when I construct A.java, the variable superType is assigned to 
concrete type such as FileType or AudioType on run-time. By default, the 
serialized json output will be
{ "superType":{ "file":{... a list of file attribute } } } or {"superType" 
: { "audio": { ... a list of audio attribute } } }

I could change the type info definition to "EXISTING_PROPERTY", and I can 
get the following output:
{"superType":{ .. a list of file attribute} } or {"superType":{ .. a list 
of audio attribute} }

What I really want is:
{"file": {  a list of file attribute } } or {"audio": { a list of audio 
attribute} }

The only difference is the out layer element ("superType") is removed.

Note, I do not want additional type information or class information in the 
output either.

It looks like I could not get rid of the element superType. I tried to 
write a custom serializer. However, it would have to be applied on the 
enclosing class ( A.java), and not on SuperType itself. This means a 
complete custom serialization by hand coding.

Is there anyway to allow jackson to do it automatically.



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