On Thu, May 2, 2019 at 8:11 PM Matt Sun <sjf.m...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi Jackson-users!
> We are looking to upgrading an old library that uses databind-2.6.6 to 2.9.8 
> due to security vulnerability issues. Due to the nature of this old library, 
> we are trying to avoid making code changes if possible. Can anyone provide 
> some insight of whether the API of 2.6.6 and 2.9.8 are compatible or not? Is 
> there any potential code change required other than update the dependency?

Hi Matt!

Typical application code should be fully binary and source compatible
across 2.x versions, and no changes should be needed: Jackson attempts
to follow Semantic Versioning for its API.
This includes all public method calls, configuration settings, and
especially functionality exposed by main abstractions (ObjectMapper /
ObjectReader / ObjectWriter; JsonFactory / JsonParser / JsonGenerator;
all various XxxFeature settings).

But the caveat is that some of internal extension points are more
aggressively deprecated over minor versions, and so there are cases
where compatibility is guaranteed across adjacent minor versions in
that methods may be deprecated in a minor version and in some cases
removed in a later minor version.
Difficulty comes in figuring out where the difference lies, of course;
but as a general rule extension by subclassing is where most
incompatibilities lie -- changes are typically ones where a new method
with additional argument(s) is added first, old one deprecated (but
passing a placeholder default value) and eventually removed when it is
impractical to maintain.

Since even internal interfaces use deprecation as a marker, I
recommend upgrade by going from current version to newer one by first
upgrading 2.6 -> 2.7, compiling, running tests and in particular
observing any Deprecation warnings. If any are found, those are good
indications that a change is needed eventually, and Javadocs for the
version should indicate what a replacement method is.
If all goes well this may not be much slower than going straight from
2.6 to 2.9. But if things go wrong it is probably faster to do it that

Having said all of that, my understanding is that majority of users
can upgrade with no code changes. At my current job (s/w-focused
company with ~10,000 employees) I have migrated global default Jackson
version first from 2.5 to 2.7 (last year) and 2.7 to 2.9 (1 month ago)
with only limited compatibility challenges; and those challenges were
mostly related to Guava version compatibility where Jackson Guava
module brought newer version which caused issues in some cases for
another 3rd party library.
But others can share their experience.

Finally, I think the most common behavioral difference that is visible
and can potentially cause issues filtering: and especially definition
of `@JsonInclude.Include.NON_DEFAULT` (and `NON_EMPTY`); and how it
applies to values of `Map`s. Its definition has evolved in ways that
has not been optimal, due to attempts to fix initial problems in 2.5.

-+ Tatu +-

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