
Le mardi 12 novembre 2019 23:02:27 UTC+1, PJ Fanning a écrit :
> Hi Pierre-Marie,
> Could you log an issue at 
> ?
> On Thursday, 7 November 2019 19:30:09 UTC+1, Pierre-Marie Pinson wrote:
>> Hi,
>> I am using *"com.fasterxml.jackson.module" %% "jackson-module-scala" % 
>> "2.10.0"*
>> I am using a deserializer to read json message post into kafka.
>> At a time we faced a *java.lang.ClassCastException: java.lang.Integer 
>> cannot be cast to java.lang.Long*.
>> I dig into this issue and found the related issues in github and the FAQ 
>> that indicate 
>> to annotate offending field with *@JsonDeserialize*.
>> I tried this with no success.
>> My case class look like this (adapt like the one in the test case 
>> )
>> case class AnnotatedOptionLongWithDash(@JsonDeserialize(contentAs = 
>> classOf[java.lang.Long]) `value-long`: Option[Long])
>> I try to understand why the test in scala module works but not our code 
>> and found that this is because the property contain a dash and we kept the 
>> dash in the scala props (Disgusting!).
>> I finally try to add @JsonProperty annotation to remove the dash and it's 
>> working.
>> I am not sure this issue is related to jackson deserialization and can be 
>> fix or it's scala/java that do something when a property have a dash in it.
>> At least it can help to add a note about this in the workarounds of the 
>> FAQ.
>> Here some tests case to reproduce the issue.
>> import com.fasterxml.jackson.annotation.JsonProperty
>> import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.ObjectMapper
>> import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.annotation.JsonDeserialize
>> import com.fasterxml.jackson.module.scala.{DefaultScalaModule, 
>> ScalaObjectMapper}
>> import org.scalatest.{Matchers, WordSpec}
>> case class AnnotatedOptionLong(@JsonDeserialize(contentAs = 
>> classOf[java.lang.Long]) valueLong: Option[Long])
>> case class AnnotatedOptionLongWithDash(@JsonDeserialize(contentAs = 
>> classOf[java.lang.Long]) `value-long`: Option[Long])
>> case class 
>> AnnotatedOptionLongWithDashButChangeToCamelCase(@JsonProperty("value-long") 
>> @JsonDeserialize(contentAs = classOf[java.lang.Long]) valueLong: 
>> Option[Long])
>> class JacksonSerializationIssueTest extends WordSpec with Matchers {
>>   val objectMapper = new ObjectMapper() with ScalaObjectMapper
>>   objectMapper.registerModule(new DefaultScalaModule)
>>   def deserialize[T](data: Array[Byte])(implicit m: Manifest[T]): T = {
>>     try {
>>       objectMapper.readValue(data)
>>     } catch {
>>       case e: Throwable =>
>>         throw new RuntimeException("Error deserializing JSON message", e)
>>     }
>>   }
>>   def serialize[T](data: T): Array[Byte] = {
>>     try {
>>       objectMapper.writeValueAsBytes(data)
>>     } catch {
>>       case e: Throwable =>
>>         throw new RuntimeException("Error serializing JSON message", e)
>>     }
>>   }
>>   def useOptionLong(v: Option[Long]): Long = * 2).getOrElse(0)
>>   "same as in test source of jackon library" in {
>>     // check deserialization
>>     val v1 = 
>> deserialize[AnnotatedOptionLong]("""{"valueLong":151}""".getBytes)
>>     v1 shouldBe AnnotatedOptionLong(Some(151L))
>>     v1.valueLong.get shouldBe 151L
>>     // serialize from case class then deserialize and then apply the method 
>> that will fail
>>     val v2 = 
>> JacksonMapper.deserialize[AnnotatedOptionLong](JacksonMapper.serialize(AnnotatedOptionLong(Some(152))))
>>     v2 shouldBe AnnotatedOptionLong(Some(152L))
>>     v2.valueLong.get shouldBe 152L
>>     useOptionLong(v2.valueLong) shouldBe 304
>>   }
>>   "failing test because of backtick prop name either if we apply the 
>> annotation @JsonDeserialize(contentAs = classOf[java.lang.Long]) " in {
>>     // check deserialization
>>     val v1 = 
>> deserialize[AnnotatedOptionLongWithDash]("""{"value-long":251}""".getBytes)
>>     v1 shouldBe AnnotatedOptionLongWithDash(Some(251L))
>>     v1.`value-long`.get shouldBe 251L
>>     // serialize from case class then deserialize and then apply the method 
>> that will fail
>>     val v2 = 
>> JacksonMapper.deserialize[AnnotatedOptionLongWithDash](JacksonMapper.serialize(AnnotatedOptionLongWithDash(Some(252))))
>>     v2 shouldBe AnnotatedOptionLongWithDash(Some(252L))
>>     v2.`value-long`.get shouldBe 252L
>>     useOptionLong(v2.`value-long`) shouldBe 504
>>   }
>>   "working solution because we rename the prop with a dash to a camel case 
>> prop" in {
>>     // check deserialization
>>     val v1 = 
>> deserialize[AnnotatedOptionLongWithDashButChangeToCamelCase]("""{"value-long":351}""".getBytes)
>>     v1 shouldBe AnnotatedOptionLongWithDashButChangeToCamelCase(Some(351L))
>>     v1.valueLong.get shouldBe 351L
>>     // serialize from case class then deserialize and then apply the method 
>> that will fail
>>     val v2 = 
>> JacksonMapper.deserialize[AnnotatedOptionLongWithDashButChangeToCamelCase](JacksonMapper.serialize(AnnotatedOptionLongWithDashButChangeToCamelCase(Some(352))))
>>     v2 shouldBe AnnotatedOptionLongWithDashButChangeToCamelCase(Some(352L))
>>     v2.valueLong.get shouldBe 352L
>>     useOptionLong(v2.valueLong) shouldBe 704
>>   }
>> }

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