I am using Atlassian's swagger-request-validator-restassured library that 
pulls in Jackson core, databind, datafromat-yaml and datatype-jdk versions 
2.9 and dataformat-cbor version 2.6.7. The library is essentially validate 
a given REST request against an OpenApi/Swagger schema (yaml). A part of 
that is validating the path parameters in the request url. To do this, the 
request validator's SchemaValidator class is invoked which in turn invokes 
the Json.mapper().readTree(value) method from the 
com.fasterxml.jackson.databind package. In my case, my value is the 
UUID 4aea209d-9055-45f0-90f6-081fa7348943. I expected the readTree() method 
to be handle this just but instead I end up with the following error.... 

[image: error1.PNG]

I debugged and followed the error through to line 4030 of the 
_readTreeAndCLose(JsonParser p0) but I am not sure why this is happening. I 
have verified that the UUID I have is a valid UUID and I do not seem to get 
the error with other UUIDs such 00000000-0000-0000-000000000000. Any 
insights into whether this a valid error or whether it is a defect would be 

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