
I have several classes (MyClassA, MyClassB...) sharing an interface 
(MyInterface), and I want to customize the inclusion setting for those 
POJOs, using my custom filter (MyValueFilter).

This is what I have so far:


The issue is that during serialization, config override lookup is based 
only on the POJO class, not the interface it is implementing, so the lookup 
is not returning the config override.
If I use MAPPER.configOverride(MyClassA.class) instead of 
MAPPER.configOverride(MyInterface.class), this is working as expected, but 
of course only for MyClassA (not MyClasssB, MyClassC, etc.).

Is there a method to override inclusion setting for all POJOs implementing 
a given interface?

Side question: what I'm trying to achieve is filtering out "empty" POJO, 
ie. a POJO where all its fields are empty. 
MAPPER.setSerializationInclusion(Include.NON_EMPTY) is properly skipping 
the POJO empty fields, but I still get '"pojoName": { }' in my JSON output 
when all the fields are empty. I would like to define a method to determine 
if this POJO is empty. For Map, .isEmpty() is called, for String, .lenght() 
etc. I'd like to have the same mechanism to skip my POJOs, based on my own 


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