Hi Team,


I am trying to use Jacoco Offline instrumentation in my android project to 
get coverage with PowerMockito. Following is my build.gradle.
apply plugin: 'jacoco'

configurations {

jacoco {
    toolVersion = '0.8.8'

dependencies {
    jacocoAnt group: 'org.jacoco', name: 'org.jacoco.ant', version: 
'0.8.8', classifier: 'nodeps'
    jacocoRuntime group: 'org.jacoco', name: 'org.jacoco.agent', version: 
'0.8.8', classifier: 'runtime'

//def testTaskName = "test${sourceName.capitalize()}UnitTest"

project.afterEvaluate {
    // Grab all build types and product flavors
    def buildTypes = android.buildTypes.collect { type -> type.name }
    def productFlavors = android.productFlavors.collect { flavor -> 
flavor.name }

    // When no product flavors defined, use empty
    if (!productFlavors) productFlavors.add('')

    productFlavors.each { productFlavorName ->
        buildTypes.each { buildTypeName ->
            def sourceName, sourcePath
            if (!productFlavorName) {
                sourceName = sourcePath = "${buildTypeName}"
            } else {
                sourceName = 
                sourcePath = "${productFlavorName}/${buildTypeName}"
            def testTaskName = "test${sourceName.capitalize()}UnitTest"

            def excludes = ['**/R.class',

            task "${testTaskName}Instrument"() {
                ext.outputDir = buildDir.path + '/classes-instrumented'
                doLast {
                    ant.taskdef(name: 'instrument',
                            classname: 'org.jacoco.ant.InstrumentTask',
                            classpath: configurations.jacocoAnt.asPath)
                    ant.instrument(destdir: outputDir) {
"${project.buildDir}/intermediates/javac", excludes: excludes)
"${project.buildDir}/tmp/kotlin-classes", excludes: excludes)
                    testProdUnitTest.classpath = files(outputDir) + 


            task "${testTaskName}Report"(type: JacocoReport) {
                doLast {
                    ant.taskdef(name: 'report',
                            classname: 'org.jacoco.ant.ReportTask',
                            classpath: configurations.jacocoAnt.asPath)
                    ant.report() {
                        executiondata {
                        structure(name: 'Example') {
                            classfiles {
"${project.buildDir}/intermediates/javac", excludes: excludes)
"${project.buildDir}/tmp/kotlin-classes", excludes: excludes)
                            sourcefiles {
                                fileset(dir: 'src/main/java')
                        html(destdir: "$buildDir.path/reports/jacoco")
                        xml(destdir: "$buildDir.path/reports/jacoco")



I am running - *./gradlew testProdUnitTestReport*
The instrumented class folder is created properly. But I am not able to get 
the jacoco coverage report(xml/html) inside the /build/reports/jacoco 
folder. Please help me by pointing out what I am doing wrong here. Thanks 
in advance

Bets Regards,
Sambuddha Dhar

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