Hi all,

I just posted a few classes to the sandbox that I'm
planning on using for xml unit testing (creatively
packaged as commons.xmlunit).  I'm contemplating
sending an announcement to the general list and seeing
if there's enough interest to create a seed for a
full-fledged Commons component, although I don't think
we'll need to leave the sandbox for a little while.

I've based the component on JAXP, which is the only
comprehensive cross-parser API that I'm aware of. 
Because it is dependent on JAXP, by extension it is
dependent on SAX and DOM.  However it is _not_
dependent on Crimson.

I also wanted to support some XPath testing of
documents.  Since there is no standard cross-parser
API for XPath, xmlunit also has a compile-time
dependency on Xalan.  You can run xmlunit without
Xalan in your classpath, but the XPath stuff won't

I was a little worried that Xalan's XPath API might be
doing some naughty upcasting and not really work
against the real DOM interface, but I tested some
simple Crimson DOMs against it, and so far so good.

Anyhow, check it out if you're interested and enjoy. 
There should be a build script later this afternoon.

On a tangent, what is the deal with the JAXP SAX
interface?  Here's the standard method for parsing an
XML document:

  void parse(InputSource is, DefaultHandler dh) 

Huh?  DefaultHandler is a helper class, not part of
the SAX API.  I may be missing something, but it seems
like that really should be ContentHandler, not
DefaultHandler.  I suspect that Megginson and the
other members of XML-DEV were not part of the JSR
expert committee, because I doubt they would have let
that slide.  :(

- Morgan

Morgan Delagrange

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