
April 1, 2001: Jakarta-commons Summary digest
Summarizing list traffic from Mar 20 to Mar 31.

Topics general to Jakarta-commons:

 [Sandbox organization and process]
   - Sandbox could be "free-for-all"
   - Overall CVS should have fairly strict structure
   - Sandbox is NOT an "experimental playground"
   - Directory names that have historic UNIX meaning are confusing
     (ex: share, etc, var)
   - Some discussion on whether the "sandbox" step is necessary for
     all sub-projects
 [Nightly build]
   - Geir intends to write the build script
   - Script will build each sub-project
   - Much conversation on including dependency JARs in commons tree
   - Can gump handle the cross-builds?

 [Work should begin on a commons website]
   - Morgan volunteered to start
   - Ted also wants to help but is busy for a while
   - Can the site be db-enabled? Can use struts, taglibs?
   - Taglibs site might be a good model
   - Ted is working on directory organization docs
   - Much conversation on specifics of commit-access

New proposals:

 [J2EEUnit library] (from SourceForge)
   Library Summary (paraphrased from SourceForge page):
     - Extends JUnit framework
     - For testing server-side codebase
     - Intended to be complementary to HttpUnit
   Proposal discussion
     - Sun owns the trademark on J2EE.
     - A new name will be needed
     - Concerns over Commons becoming a "dumping ground"
     - Commons intends to refactor common-purpose components from
       other Jakarta projects
     - As checked in, the J2EEUnit code is under GPL. Needs to be APL.
   Suggestions for J2EE new name
     - Java Enterprise Unit Test Framework (JEUTF)
     - JTwoEEUnit (and friends)
     - EJUnit
     - Java Enterprise Destructor (JED)
     - Java Server Unit (JSUnit)
     - "Cactus"
     - née2EEUnit
     - JEUnit
 [Bean Utils library] (from Struts)
   Library Summary (paraphrased from proposal)
     - For more complex get/set capabilities on JavaBean-type objects
     - Rich tools for using the Java reflection API
     - Provides JavaScript-like accessors
        customer.address[2].street -> 

 [Collections library] (original contribution)
   Library Summary (paraphrased from proposal)
     - Implementations of the Collections interfaces in java.util.*

 [Object pooling library] (original contribution)
   Library Summary (paraphrased from proposal)
     - To reuse objects that are expensive to create
     - Common interfaces for pooling arbitrary objects
     - Standard implementations provided
     - Object factory and pool implementations for specific purposes
       are pluggable
     - Uses cursurable linked list from proposed Collections package

 [Java Object Configuration Language (JOCL) library]
   (orig. contribution)
   Library Summary (paraphrased from proposal)
     - An XML format that describes the configuration
       of arbitrary objects

 [Database Connection pooling (DBCP) library]
   (original contribution)
   Library Summary (paraphrased from proposal)
     - To reuse database connection obects
     - Available as a JDBC pseudo-driver (java.sql.Driver)
       or a javax.sql.DataSource
     - Supports multiple logins to multiple db systems
     - Reclaims stale or dead connections
     - Pools java.sql.PreparedStatements that are associated
       with connections
     - Validates existing connections during idle or at borrow-time 
       with user-defined tests
     - Object pooling, and JOCL

New submissions to the sandbox (without proposal)

 [XMLUnit library] (original contribution)
   Library Summary (paraphrased from submission messages):
     - To support unit, functional tests dealing with XML
     - DTD validation
     - XPath queries
     - SAX and DOM

Progress and other threads

   - Looks like "Cactus" has the most support so far
   - "JEUnit" also had a lot of support

   - Updated and includes status.html

   - Updated and includes status.html
   - Could JOCL and Digester (from Struts) be merged?

   - Updated and includes status.html
   - Decided to package as org.apache.commons.collection.*
   - Peter intends to refactor implementations currently
     embedded in Avalon

   - Updated and includes status.html
   - Does the KeyedObjectPool support multiple instances?
   - Craig intends to add a list-based pool implementation
     for load-balancing applications
   - For persistent object configurations

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