Geir Magnusson Jr. wrote:
> Well, I would bundle it all into one pile, or at least make that
> available, and make people work for the sub-pieces.  The reason is for
> user support...  getting things from a complete kit makes (me, at least)
> look there first if I need something before posting to a user list...

This is an example of where we disagree.

The approach you are describing might make sense for a TDK - something that
is arguably a complete application where the user need add nothing more
than their content.

This approach breaks down when we are looking at components where the
potential exists for a person to pick more than one.  If each complete kit
reflects that particular project's favorite XML parser then the we not only
are wasting bandwidth, but also increasing the possibility of error.

Components need to be able to be easily mixed and matched.

People won't use Cactus in isolation.  General usage will typically be
Cactus + favorite servlet engine (generally, but no necessary a "Tomcat") +
some application.

- Sam Ruby

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