"Waldhoff, Rodney" wrote:
> The Commons charter (http://jakarta.apache.org/commons/charter.html)
> currently states (in the Guidelines section):
> "17. New packages may be proposed to the Jakarta Commons mailing list. To be
> accepted, a package proposal must receive a positive super-majority vote of
> the subproject committers. Proposals are to identify the rationale for the
> package, its scope, its interaction with other packages and products, the
> Commons resources, if any, to be created, the initial source from which the
> package is to be created, and the initial set of committers.
> "1. The whole number of positive votes needed for a super majority is
> calculated by dividing the total number of active subproject committers by
> four, multiplying by three, and rounding to the nearest whole number (>= .5
> rounds up)."
> It has been suggested by several committers that this guideline is
> undesirable due to the number of votes required to accept a proposal.  (This
> suggestion is backed up by the observation that, despite what you see in the
> CVS repository, currently no Commons proposal has been accepted according to
> this metric.)


> Hence I suggest that we amend the commons charter as follows:
> Strike out the existing Guideline #17 (and 17.1) and replace it with:
> "17. Accepting New Packages and Components
> "17.1. New packages may be proposed to the Jakarta Commons mailing list.
> Proposals are to identify the rationale for the package, its scope, its
> interaction with other packages and products, the Commons resources, if any,
> to be created, the initial source from which the package is to be created,
> and the initial set of committers.

Do we wish to require a current Commons committer as a 'champion'?

> "17.2. Any Developer may vote on any proposal. However, the only binding
> votes are those cast by a Committer to the Commons subproject.
> "17.3. Seven days (168 hours) after a proposal is submitted, if it has
> received at least three binding +1 votes and no binding -1 votes, the
> proposal is accepted.
> "17.4. At any time after seven days (168 hours) from the time a proposal is
> submitted, if it has received a positive super majority of binding votes
> cast, the proposal is accepted.
> "17.4.1. The whole number of positive votes needed for a super majority as
> described in 17.4 is calculated by dividing the total number of binding
> votes cast by four, multiplying by three, and rounding to the nearest whole
> number (>= .5 rounds up).
> "17.5. If at any time a proposal receives a positive super majority of all
> subproject Committers, the proposal is accepted.
> "17.5.1. The whole number of positive votes needed for a super majority as
> described in 17.5 is calculated by dividing the total number of Commons
> subproject Committers by four, multiplying by three, and rounding to the
> nearest whole number (>= .5 rounds up)."

Of course I am game- however, I got lost in the 17.3->17.5.1

How about just requiring 75% (rounded up) of committer votes cast during
the voting window with a minimum of 3 +1 votes.

What about veto?


Geir Magnusson Jr.                               [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Developing for the web?  See http://jakarta.apache.org/velocity/

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