James Strachan wrote:
> I'd like to conduct a small experimental project in the sandbox if noone
> objects. If it proves useful cool, if it doesn't we can zap it.
> We use interfaces alot in Java and I like the idea of having some simple,
> lightweight component to allow runtime, loose binding of concrete types to
> interfaces.
> I'd like to investigate building a small, simple facade API over the loading
> of objects from either
>     * JAR extension mechansim (/META-INF/services/foo.bar) like JAXP
>     * JNDI
>     * web.xml / ServletContext / init params
>     * Properties / ExtendedProperties files
>     * XML documents
> It may or may not be useful on other Jakarta projects too. Its not my
> intention to implement specific configuration mechanisms like the Digester,
> rather just a way of loading a concrete factory class which might use (say)
> the digester or JNDI directly.
> My early thoughts are to use a Facade pattern along with a variation of two
> patterns from IBM's San Francisco Desirgn Patterns book:-
>     * Class Replacement
>     * Special Class Factory
> The basic idea is there can be default implementations for specific
> interfaces which can be overridden for named instances if necessary or can
> be overridden for specifc 'categories' in a log4j sense or package or class
> names.
> The idea being a little like log4j's categories and a little like Java's
> ResourceBundles where specific language & country combinations can override
> default configurations. Only in the MetaFactory it would be caller class
> name (or package), the desired interface and an optional name which decides
> which implementation to use. So this could be implemented as a fairly
> trivial layer above JAR extension mechanism or JNDI. (e.g. it could be used
> as a bootstrap mechanism to find the JNDI context when in a JUnit test
> case).
> So code would be something along these lines...
> public Foo {
>     // look up my region of the MetaFactory
>     // like a log4j style Category
>     protected static final MetaFactory metaFactory =
> etaFactory.get( Foo.class );
>     public void doSomething() {
>         // create some default Map implementation
>         Map map = metaFactory.create( Map.class );
>         // create a named Map implementation
>         Map fooCache = metaFactory.create( Map.class, "fooCache" );
>         ...
>         // create some object pool
>         ObjectPoolFactory poolFactory = (ObjectPoolFactory)
>                 metaFactory.create( ObjectPoolFactory.class );
>         ObjectPool pool = poolFactory.createPool();
>         ...
>         // create some named database connection pool
>         ConnectionFactory connFactory = (ConnectionFactory)
>                 metaFactory.create( ConnectionFactory.class, "customerDb" );
>     }
> }
> So from an API its one class though I would expect a small number of
> implementation classes too so that it is capable of bootstrapping itself and
> talk to JNDI and JAR manifests.
> Does this seem an acceptable use of the sandbox? If so Craig, could I get
> sandbox karma please?


> James
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Jason van Zyl


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