+1 !


On Sun, 6 May 2001, Peter Donald wrote:

> At 11:37  5/5/01 -0400, Geir Magnusson Jr. wrote:
> >How would you summarize your position re versioned jar filenames?  I
> >think I understood that you do see some benefits - the utility of .so
> >versioning compared to .dll hell...
> Well - I see both the beenfits and penalties of it. It is probably best to
> describe the use case I find comfortabele and let you derive your own
> conclusions ;)
> If I was a pure user (not a developer at all) I would prefer verioned
> filenames. Then they could be installed in one central directory and even
> programs with incompatible libraries (ie cocoon1 vs cocoon2, SAX1 vs SAX2,
> DOM1 vs DOM2 etc) could live in harmony. So seeing something like
> sax-1.0.1.jar
> sax-2.0.jar
> xerces-1.1.jar
> xerces-1.2.jar
> xerces-2.1.jar
> would be possible and all programs could live happily together.
> If I was a developer who only used stable versions which had a low
> frequency of updates then I would prefer versioning to be marked in
> filename. For instance in avalon all the xerces/xalan/stylebook jars have
> versions embedded in names as I rarely update them.
> For libraries that have a high frequency of change I HATE version embedded
> in names. For instance in avalon we use unadorned names for our separate
> libraries. ie logkit.jar, avalon-framework.jar, avalon-excalibur.jar,
> testlet.jar etc.
> As some of these can be updated a few times in a busy week it is painful to
> maintain versions/dates embedded in jar names. 
> So essentially anything I rely on CVS versions to run I want no versioning
> while stuff I download from web I want version embedded in names. When we
> do a stable release of avalons stuff we plan to embed the version into
> filenames - until then we go unversioned.
> Not sure if that helps ;)
> Cheers,
> Pete
> *-----------------------------------------------------*
> | "Faced with the choice between changing one's mind, |
> | and proving that there is no need to do so - almost |
> | everyone gets busy on the proof."                   |
> |              - John Kenneth Galbraith               |
> *-----------------------------------------------------*

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